Help Empower Automotive Repair Technicians

Project HEART!

$70,000 Fundraising Campaign   

November 2023 - June 2024

The Opportunity – Auto Mechanics Increase Skills, Services, Customer Base

Mwendo Congo’s partner, Let Africa Live (LAV), has built a central production center in Bukavu, Eastern Congo, and is now operationalizing the three workshops. Current focus is on the Auto Mechanic Shop.  Established mechanics (LAV alumni) will have access to modern machines and use them to expand their automotive services, provide faster completion of projects, and increase their incomes. The center will also generate revenue for Let Africa Live, which is key for sustainability of the project. $40,000 has already been raised – thank you!  As of April 1, these funds are on their way to Bukavu and work will begin soon on workshop improvements.  Watch for updates and photos here!

Chikwanine, mechanics trainer, shares his story of personal transformation and his excitement about trainees in the new workshop. (Click square with arrow in upper right corner for full screen and to see English subtitles. Set volume low to decrease background noise.)

Entire LAV central production site. Carpentry workshop (left) is fully operational.  Automotive workshop (right) is current project – installing floors, rooms, and equipment.

Through your generosity you will provide:

  • Completion of workshop floors and walls

  • Purchase and installation of modern equipment

  • Training for young women and men in use of the equipment

  • Improved automotive repair services for the community + increased income

Our Congolese Partners – A Long History of Transforming Lives

Founded in 2000, Let Africa Live (Laissez l’Afrique Vivre / “LAV”) has equipped over 3,000 Congolese youth affected by armed conflict through vocational skills training, alongside trauma healing and community re-integration. Graduates of LAV’s programs are some of the most trusted and competitive professionals in their communities.

Chikwanine’s Story – Lead Mechanic

Chikwanine with Liz Andress, Mwendo Congo board chair (Dec. 2022)

I am Chikwanine*. Born into a poor family, I was lured by armed groups as a teenager and joined “Mudundo 40” at age 15.  I was trained in weapons of war, forced to use drugs, and required to act like an animal toward other human beings.

Let Africa Live (LAV) helped me return to my family and in 2004 I attended LAV’s auto mechanic training.  They then supported me in starting my own small business.  I got married, bought a home, had five children, and built a reputation as a great mechanic and driver in Bukavu [DRC].  In my current role, I get to train young people and support them in their paths to stability and peace.  The modern workshop speeds up the work and improves our quality immensely.  Thank you for supporting this vision and making it a reality!     

[*Last name omitted upon request.]

An Invitation to Generosity

There are many ways to support the project

$10,000 x 1 Mechanical lathe
$5,000 x 4 Paint room, mobile hoist, cylinder boring machine, staff salaries
$3,000 x 3 Tire mounting machine, compressor, fault detection software
$500 x 2 Toolbox, machine laptop
$250 x 4 Car jacks, workbench, shelves, protective clothing
$100 x 50 Pulley set up, torque wrench set, lube oil; OR where needed most

All donors will be invited to an end-of-training online celebration with the mechanics in the program.

If you would like to know more about the specific materials that will be supplied to the workshop please see the facility and operating costs list, the tools and supplies list, and a detailed description of the equipment being purchased with pictures! If you would like your donation to go toward a specific item, you can add a note to your donation when you donate through the link below and then watch as we check all the items off the list!

Please join us!

We continue to celebrate the lasting impact of Let Africa Live on the youth and communities of eastern Congo over the past two decades.   We are energized to support the next phase of bringing this vision to its fullest realization.  Your donation supports the professional skills, resilience, and dedication of LAV’s graduates as they establish themselves as valuable resources to their communities.